
Humanizing your customer journey: customer case Becoming a CM

Here's how to humanize your customer journey in 4 steps. First of all, you need to map your customer journey, list the main stages that encounter...

Customer experience must be the key word in 2023. If the concept does not appear in each of your next meetings, it is because your focus may not be in the right place.

Why? The more your customers like you, the more they will value your collaboration, and the less likely they are to do without you.

How? By personalizing each interaction, and by adding a little touch of emotion, you show them that you value them and that you are there for them, at every stage of their customer journey.

This is something Becoming CM understood very well, which is why today we are focusing on what they have put in place in order to humanize each stage of the customer journey, despite a 100% remote relationship.

What is it Becoming a CM ?

It is an online program that supports entrepreneurs in their new life as Freelance Community Managers. Becoming a CM launches new sessions at the beginning of each month for a period of 3 months.

So, let's discover the steps to create a human and personalized customer journey, even for a 100% remote activity.

Step 1: Identify the key moments in the customer relationship

  • Map your customer journey

Outline the main stages of your customer journey. Here, we don't ask you to do a precise mapping of each interaction, but rather to list all the highlights of the customer journey.

  • Prioritize steps

Rank each step from the most important to the least important. This will help you to prioritize your humanization projects, but also to identify the moments when you really need to make a big effort to seduce customers.

Prioriser son parcours

Step 2: Humanize these moments despite the distance

Whether through a voice message, a gif or a video inside an email or a Whatsapp group, it is important to make your customers understand that they are dealing with real people. The humanization of the relationship works in both directions. We take care of our customers, and we make them understand that we are human ourselves.

At Deventer CM, humanization involves a lot of different channels but always with the same objective: to show customers that we are there for them at every stage of their customer journey.

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  • At the time of registration, in addition to receiving a confirmation email, the customer receives a voice message from the Customer Care team. In this one, we welcome the customer while reminding him that we are available for him.

💡 The little extra of vocal? The tone of your voice, your personality and the good mood that shines through!

  • While waiting for the launch, Becoming CM gives access to the community training tool. This allows future community managers to introduce themselves and start talking. The good atmosphere of the promo starts even before the launch of the training!

  • The key step in the customer journey: onboarding!

This is where Devenir CM goes the extra mile to create a link with its customers. In addition to a first Live by Kick Off to launch the program, customers are surprised to receive a Welcome Kit directly in their letterbox. What's in this welcome kit? We present it to you a few lines below.

  • To ensure a good follow-up of the program, the Deventer CM teams leave An NPS every month. This makes it possible to identify customers in distress or in distress. As soon as the score is under 8/10, the customer receives a call from the Care team to understand what is wrong and to meet the needs of the interlocutor.

  • Offboarding corresponds to the end of the program. There is no question that customers will feel abandoned. Maybe they no longer have access to the community tool, but to compensate An SMS group is created with all the people in the class and the coaches. In addition, customers keep access to the training modules for 1 year. This is good news as these modules are updated frequently.

  • Last step: monitoring the relationship! The team wants to stay in touch with its customers and create a long-term relationship. To do this, they are in the process of setting up a annual event so that all the coaches and all the promos meet. Purpose? Transform your customers into ambassadors!

Step 3: Personalize your welcome kit

A Welcome Kit needs to be carefully thought out to be successful. We are talking here about sending the right content to the right recipients.

What is good content? Content adapted to the needs and profession of the person who receives it.

Welcome kit -1

The Devenir CM welcome kit is sent to each registrant at the start of the training. In addition to a handwritten map, it contains:

  • A mug: to fuel up your coffee during long days working from home
  • A tailor-made notebook: it includes all the elements of the training: from reminder templates for prospecting to the check-list for customer follow-up, including publication calendars.
  • A pen: the essential element to fill out your notebook well
  • A camera cover: a small nod to the fact that they will spend a lot of time on video


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Step 4: Automate your campaigns

Automation does not mean that we lose quality or personalization. Automation means making sure the right content gets to the right person at the right time.

If you prepare shipments manually every month:

  • We're wasting a lot of time
  • we lose efficiency in tasks with higher added value
  • You increase your mental load, which increases the risk of human error
  • we take the risk of having deliveries that are not on time due to a human delay (emergencies, lack of time, oblivion,...)

At Deventer CM, each promo includes between 50 and 60 registrants. If Customer Care had to manage the shipments themselves, not only would they waste a lot of time, but their apartment would become a cardboard warehouse.

That's why they automated everything. Once registrants complete their registration form, the information arrives in AirTable. Then through the Zapier tool, the items are sent to Thursday Thank you who takes care of everything: ordering products, preparing packages and shipping welcome kits.

Automatiser ses envois-1

In summary, to launch you into an unforgettable, personalized and human customer journey:

  • Map the main stages of your customer journey
  • Prioritize the steps according to their degree of importance
  • Humanize every interaction
  • Find the right content to get your message across
  • Automate as much as possible!

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